Navigating the Path to Your Highest Self
My best friend and I share a long-distance friendship. Being in our 20s means we often have to plan our meetups well in advance due to commitments like work, school, and the general hustle of life. Over time, our hangouts have become less frequent, but I suppose that's just a part of life. Everyone is on their journey.
Reflecting on a recent conversation I had with her, I realized how much we both resonate with the journey toward spiritual awakening and the pursuit of becoming our highest selves. Spiritual awakenings don't happen overnight or randomly on a Tuesday. They unfold gradually in stages. The more you learn about spirituality, the deeper your understanding becomes, and the more you awaken. You start to outgrow the people around you, questioning your existence and seeking your true purpose in life. As you become more aware, you may only want to surround yourself with people who share similar beliefs. This alignment is crucial for growing into the person you aspire to be. Increased awareness often leads to distancing from those who no longer support your growth.
I plan to release numerous blogs on various aspects of this journey, as the topic is much more expansive than I can convey in a single post. If you're interested in exploring this subject further, please subscribe to our website. Remember, we are more than just an online thrift store; we are a community.